How do I open my phantom wallet on my phone? (2024)

Can you access Phantom wallet on mobile?

crypto wallet. Phantom makes it safe & easy for you to store, buy, send, receive, swap tokens and collect NFTs on the Solana blockchain. Available on iOS, Android, Chrome, Brave, and more!

(Video) How to Setup Phantom on Mobile (Solana’s Best Wallet)
(Mikaela Reyes (Crypto and Web3) )

Can you view Phantom wallet on Iphone?

⚠️ Phantom is NOT available on iOS or Android! Using a fake Phantom mobile app will result in your funds being stolen.

(Video) How to set up your phantom wallet on your mobile phone
(Innocent Namzy)

How do I open my phantom wallet?

If you are using Chrome, it will be in the top right hand side of your browser. If you don't see it look for a "puzzle piece" icon and click on it to access a list of installed extensions. There you should find Phantom, click on the "pin icon" to make it easier to find in the future.

(Video) How to Recover Deleted, Removed, or Not Showing Phantom Wallet Addresses on Solana
(Seb Montgomery)

How do you connect the Phantom wallet to the app?

How to use Phantom wallet - YouTube

(Video) How to Download And Create Phantom Wallet On Mobile
(Average Joes)

Is Phantom wallet an app?

Unfortunately, Phantom is only available as the browser extension and it is not available in the form of a mobile app. Its app is neither available for iOS users nor for Android users.

(Video) How to connect phantom wallet to buy/sell Solana Nfts with Mobile device/ IPhone

How do I open Phantom wallet shortcut?

Click Alt+Shift+P together to open Phantom Wallet without navigating in your browser. Here, you need to click the Continue button.

(Video) phantom wallet for android phones on chrome.

How do I setup my phantom wallet on my Iphone?

How to set up a Phantom Wallet - YouTube

(Video) How to recover your Solana wallet to Phantom
(Tech Guy Station)

How Use Solana wallet in iOS?

Phantom iOS Mobile Wallet User Guide: Store & Manage ... - YouTube

(Video) Create A Solana Phantom Wallet On Your Device (Android & iOS)- Step by Step.

Is Phantom wallet only for Solana?

It is important to note that the Phantom wallet only supports Solana NFTs. However, if the wallet cannot identify the token as an NFT, it will display it as an SPL token.

(Video) Phantom iOS Mobile Wallet User Guide: Store & Manage Solana Tokens & NFTs (Android Coming Soon)
(The CryptoDad)

What is the shortcut to open Phantom wallet in Chrome?

You can use the keyboard shortcut Option + Shift + P to quickly launch the Phantom extension. Click Continue.

(Video) 📲 How to Install Phantom Wallet on Mobile (Step by Step) / Phantom App iPhone & Android
(Tech Express)

How do I use Phantom app on Chrome?

Tap on the Add to Chrome tab and wait for a few seconds. After that, the homepage of Phantom Wallet will open up over the screen. Here, you must tap on the Create New Wallet icon. Now, you will see the Secret Recovery Phrase on your screen.

(Video) How to Setup the Phantom Wallet Extension on Your Android phone: Kiwi Browser and Chrome Extension

Can you have the same phantom wallet on multiple devices?

There is no limit to the number of mobile and desktop devices you can access your wallet from, however each will use a separate PIN (unless you intentionally set them to be the same). To use your wallet on an additional device, simply restore your wallet on that device using your recovery phrase backup.

How do I open my phantom wallet on my phone? (2024)

Why won't my phantom wallet connect?

Restart the computer and try again. Remove the ledger wallet from the Phantom UI. Ensure the Ledger is selected, click on settings, then "Remove Wallet". Then re-add, as laid out in the beginning of the article.

How do I import a phantom wallet?

Paste in your 12 or 24 word "Secret Recovery Phrase" or "mnemonic" that you exported from Sollet, then click "Import wallet". After completing the onboarding, you should find that Phantom has all of your previously used addresses derived from your recovery phrase!

How do you connect the Phantom wallet to Magic Eden on Iphone?

To link the Phantom wallet to the Magic Eden marketplace, go to the Magic Eden website and click on Select Wallet, then click on the Phantom wallet. Enter your password and confirm access to Magic Eden by clicking the confirm button.

How do you connect the Phantom wallet to Magic Eden on Iphone?

To link the Phantom wallet to the Magic Eden marketplace, go to the Magic Eden website and click on Select Wallet, then click on the Phantom wallet. Enter your password and confirm access to Magic Eden by clicking the confirm button.

How do I get phantom wallet on IPAD?

Phantom iOS Mobile Wallet User Guide: Store & Manage ... - YouTube

How do I view NFTs on my Phantom wallet?

To view your NFTs in your Phantom wallet, log into the wallet extension. Click on the icon with 4 squares on the bottom of your wallet. You'll see all of your Solana NFTs there, titled "Your Collectibles.” You can send the NFT to another wallet by selecting the item and then clicking Send.

How many phantom wallets are there?

No sign of slowing down

As previously covered, Phantom, witnessed its Monthly Active Users (MAUs) grow from 200,000 in August 2021 to 1.2 million in October 2021. Comparing Phantom to the most popular Ethereum wallet, Metamask, Solana user growth is roughly where Ethereum was in October 2020.


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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Last Updated: 25/02/2024

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.