How do I switch from Matic to ETH MetaMask? (2024)

How do I switch from Matic to ETH on MetaMask?

Cheapest Way to Swap Matic for Eth - YouTube

(Video) Polygon MetaMask Tutorial (How to Use Polygon MATIC Wallet for Ethereum DeFI)

How do I transfer from Matic to ETH network?

How To Transfer Funds To Matic Polygon Network ✔️(Send Crypto ...

(Video) Sending assets from Polygon back to Ethereum (Matic Bridge)
(Kyle's Crypto)

How do you convert Matic from Polygon to ETH?

Sending Assets To Polygon

Click “Sign” and you will be directed to their bridging portal to transfer your assets from Ethereum Mainnet to Polygon. Simply select which tokens you want to send, and click “Transfer”. It should take about 7-8 minutes to deposit your funds.

(Video) ➡️ How To Convert WETH to ETH in METAMASK (Step by Step)
(Tech Express)

How do I swap Matic in MetaMask?

To get these MATIC tokens for FREE, go to Then click “Connect.” Select MetaMask and make sure that it is set to MATIC Mainnet. Click “Next” and then “Connect.” Polygon Faucet will give you some MATIC tokens for your gas fee when swapping your BNB tokens to MATIC tokens.

(Video) How To Migrate from Ethereum to Polygon Matic Network on Metamask
(CoinSutra - Simplifying Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency)

How do I convert a Polygon to Ethereum in MetaMask?

Step 2: Bridging MATIC to Ethereum using MetaMask

1. Go to the [Bridge] interface and click [Withdrawal]. Choose [Matic Token] from the token list, enter the amount and click [Transfer]. The system will automatically select [Plasma Bridge] for the transfer mode.

(Video) How to Transfer Cryptos from Ethereum to Polygon/Matic Network with Metamask & Polygon Bridge
(Neha Yadav)

Can I change from Polygon to Ethereum?

There are two ways to bridge from Polygon to Ethereum mainnet, either through the Plasma Bridge — which takes 7 days to withdraw; or the PoS Bridge — which takes 3 hours to withdraw.

(Video) How to Transfer tokens from Polygon (Matic) to Ethereum in 10 MINUTES
(The Cryptotainer)

How do I transfer from Matic Mainnet to Ethereum Mainnet?

How To Send Crypto From Ethereum To Matic Mainnet? - YouTube

(Drake on Digital )

How do I retrieve Matic sent to erc20?

Swapping back to ERC-20

Once the Polygon Network has been added to your MetaMask you can either leave the tokens there or swap them over to the old ERC-20 tokens. To swap them over, in the browser that your MetaMask wallet is installed in, go to the Matic Network Bridge and follow the instructions to swap them over.

(Video) Cheapest Way to Swap Matic for Eth

Is Polygon Matic an erc20 token?

Using Polygon

MATIC is commonly bought/traded on both centralized and decentralized exchanges as an ERC-20 token, i.e. a token usable on Ethereum. If you want to use these ERC-20 tokens on Polygon itself, you will need to use a bridge to swap your ERC-20 MATIC 1:1 for Polygon network MATIC (see below).

(Video) How to Transfer ETH to Matic/Polygon & Use Quickswap (Save $$$ on Gas Fees)
(Bit-Rush Crypto)

How do you convert a Polygon to ERC-20?

How to Convert Matic Token ERC 20 to Polygon - YouTube

(Video) How to convert/buy matic to weth on polygon chain on quickswap on pc/mobile using metamask? (Hindi)
(Be Techie)

How do you get ETH on MetaMask?

Receiving ETH from another wallet
  1. Open the MetaMask app.
  2. Select “add funds.” ...
  3. Conversely, you could copy your address and send it to them by text or Airdrop.
  4. Click on the account name to copy your address.
  5. Paste your address in the “recipient” field of the application from where you will be sending your ETH or tokens.

(Video) How to create a Polygon (matic) wallet on Metamask | Easy 3 steps for your Phone & PC
(Coin Factor)

How do I switch between networks in MetaMask?

If you want to change the network of your Metamask, for example to the Kovan test network, you need to click the 'down arrow' next to the current network. It will open a menu where you can select a different network.

How do I switch from Matic to ETH MetaMask? (2024)

How do I swap Matic?

How to Swap Tokens on Matic Network with Quickswap - YouTube

How do I switch back to Ethereum on MetaMask?

Switching Networks on Metamask - Mobile
  1. Click the 3 layered icon on the top left of your screen.
  2. Click the "Settings" button.
  3. Now, select the "Networks" option.
  4. Click "Add Network".
  5. You will then be taken to screen 5 where you can fill out the custom network details.

How do you switch on a Polygon network?

Polygon Token Swap - Your One-Stop Shop to Swap!
  1. Login to your Polygon Wallet.
  2. Navigate to the Sidebar and click on the option "Token swap" to access the Polygon Token Swap feature.
  3. From the drop-down list, select both the token that you wish to swap and the token that you want to receive in exchange.
Dec 15, 2021

How do I add Ethereum main network on MetaMask?

Adding Ethereum-Compatible Networks to MetaMask
  1. Click on the My Accounts button (top-right corner) and go to Settings .
  2. Scroll down to Networks and click Add Network .
  3. Configure the Network Name , New RPC URL , Chain ID , Currency Symbol and Block Explorer URL based on the network to be added and click Save .
Jan 8, 2022


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Author: Chrissy Homenick

Last Updated: 18/05/2024

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.