Is Beluga the cat still alive? (2024)

Is Beluga cat still alive?

However, was but then, a "docter" told him he had only 1 minute to live, but he was spam(kinda, as in the end, we can tell that beluga was either dead/injured by his mother, belu-mom. But Beluga is still alive as belu-mom becomes a yandere.)

(Video) Beluga Face Reveal

Is Beluga the cat real?

What Cat Breed is Beluga? Beluga cat appears to be a domestic short-haired cat. He is not a special breed of cat with a smiling face, just a normal white kitty with tabby patterning.

(Video) When POP CAT Destroyed My Life...
(Papa Hecker)

Who is Beluga dad?

Papa Beluga - Beluga's father. Mr. Beet - A riddle solver. MrBeet Security - Security of Mr.

(Video) When Beluga Dies

Who is Hecker cat?

Hecker is a caracal cat. Caracals are elusive predators native to southern and northern African regions, India, and arid areas in Pakistan. Unlike larger cats like lions, caracals do not roar but vocalize with hisses and loud barks.

(Video) "Oops.... wrong emoji"

Is skittle Chan Beluga a girlfriend?

She even went as far as almost marrying him, but she messed up his keyboard, causing Beluga to accidentally type that he had a girlfriend, this makes skittle-chan go offline due to deep sadness. This shows how much she loves Beluga. She first met him in Among Us.

(Video) Full Life Story of Hecker...

Is Beluga a boy or girl?

Beluga whales live in small groups consisting mainly of a female and a few young whales. Males live separately and join females only during mating.

(Video) All Beluga Characters Face Reveal!

Who is Hecker Beluga?

hecker is a recurring character in the Beluga Cinematic Universe. He is a good friend to Beluga and is always there to help him. He is one of the most if not the most powerful person in the Beluga Cinematic Universe, giving Beluga tips on time manipulation and storing his conscience in a file.

(Video) The Story of Beluga... (Full Story)

Who is Pablo in Beluga?

Pablo is a God and one of the main characters in Beluga's Youtube videos. He is presented as an antagonist in the vast majority of Beluga's videos, however in a select few videos he takes on a more heroic role. He is the owner, admin and mod of his own Discord server, which is called Pablo's Pub.

(Video) How Beluga Gained 4 Million Subscribers in 3 Months (Genius Strategy)
(Paddy Galloway)

How do you edit like Beluga?

How to make a Beluga Discord Video - YouTube

(Video) I found the real Beluga cat!
(Mikayo YT)

Who is skittle Chan?

Skittle-Chan is an American YouTuber who makes Discord skit videos, similar to the style of Beluga. They joined YouTube on August 31, 2018.

(Video) Full Life Story of Beluga... (Birth To Death)

What type of cat is Beluga?

BreedDomestic Short Hair
3 more rows
Sep 7, 2019

(Video) I found out where BELUGA lives!!!

Who is Beluga YouTube real name?

Beluga is an American YouTuber. 2. What is the real name of Beluga? Aretz is the real name of Beluga.

Is Beluga the cat still alive? (2024)

How old is a Beluga?

Studies incorporating both wild and zoological populations of beluga whales suggest that their average lifespan is on the order of 30 to 35 years.

Is Hecker a lynx?

The Beluga character, Hecker, is a caracal cat.

Is the Nerd Cat good?

Nerd Cat has Single Target attacks with mediocre damage, but has more effective range than the other two forms, making it able to cheese certain stages by using the enemy limit. Of course, this is due to it having higher range than the other forms.

Who kidnapped skittle?

He is a friend of Beluga. He normally hangs out with Beluga and helps him in some way. He was kidnapped by Lester on June 28, 2021, and went missing until December 1, 2007 before being rescued by Hecker.

Who are all the people in Beluga?

  • Skittle.
  • AmericanUSA.
  • Snowie.
  • Luna.
  • Sweetie23.
  • Vladimir.
  • Belu-mom.

What does beluga mean in English?

Definition of beluga

1 : a large white sturgeon (Huso huso synonym Acipenser huso) of the Black Sea, Caspian Sea, and their tributaries also : caviar processed from beluga roe — compare osetra, sevruga.

When did beluga start his channel?

In 2017, Beluga established a channel on YouTube to launch his career. He had a separate YouTube account called “Explore Lucid Dreaming” where he started posting videos before beginning the “Beluga” channel on September 30, 2017. He provided lucid dreaming tutorials to his followers on the channel.

How do I join a beluga server?

How To Join The Official Beluga Server On Discord (2022) - YouTube

Who is belugas bestfriend?

Skittle (Beluga's best friend) - YouTube.

Who is Eugene in Beluga?

Eugene is a character in the BCU (Beluga Cinematic Universe). He is a Discord Mod at Pablo's Pub.

Who is the Pablo guy?

Nicolás Pablo Rivera Muñoz (born 29 November 1998) grew up in Bergen after his Chilean parents immigrated to Norway in the 1980s.

Which Backyardigan is Pablo?

Pablo is a blue anthropomorphic penguin and the deuteragonist of The Backyardigans. Pablo's voice was provided by Zach Tyler Eisen in the 1st season and by Jake Goldberg for the remainder of the series. His singing voice is provided by Sean Curley.

How do you chat Beluga?

Conversations are called "Pods," so when you start chatting with a friend you create a Pod, and then you invite others to join it. On the Beluga smartphone apps, inside a Pod you can send messages and photos extremely quickly.


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