Is Vim still worth learning? (2024)

Is Vim worth learning in 2021?

I will say it again: Learning VIM does not make you a better software engineer. At its core, software engineering is agnostic of what shell/editor/OS you develop on. I believe that too many people implicitly have this notion that you need to use X or Y in order to be a “good” software engineer.

(Video) Is it worth it to learn Vim in $CURRENT_YEAR?
(Eric Murphy)

Is Vim still useful?

Love it or hate it, Vim still reigns as one of the most beloved editors to this day and has the ultimate scoreboard taunt: Is the text editor you use entering its fourth decade? In technology, nothing sticks around for long. Vim has been a useful tool for a literal human generation.

(Video) Why I use Vim in 2022

Should I bother learning Vim?

If you already know some command-line editor, then maybe you don't need to learn vi/vim. But if you don't know any other command-line editors very well, it's worth learning it. It's pretty easy to be productive in vi/vim with little effort.

(Video) Why I'm Switching Text Editor To Vim
(Kalle Hallden)

How long it takes to learn Vim?

You can learn to use vim in 30 minutes

The tutorial that's presented is excellent and you'll be through it in no time. Once you're done, you'll have the rudiments needed to get your work done. You won't be fast yet, no; but you'll be competent.

(Video) Vim in 100 Seconds

Why are people still using Vim?

Vim is always available. Any Linux machine has it. Vim has a small footprint, low latency, fast startup, allows for more screen space, customizable and most importantly, once the muscle-memory has been ingrained, it's nearly impossible to switch to something else.

(Video) Do You Really Need to Learn VIM?
(Federico Terzi)

Is Vim better than Vscode?

It's much faster and much more configurable than VS Code. It has all the main features from VS Code + others. Remember: vim is born to be used from terminal and to be paired with all the terminal tricks that exist around. It's a the perfect match on linux.

(Video) How does Vim compare to a modern text editor such as VS Code? (Response to DistroTube’s Vim video)

Why is Vim not good?

It might turn out the Vim is not the right tool for you - it thrives when it can be used from a command line in conjunction with many other *nix tools, if you're using it on windows for example it might be less useful, but for what it's good at Vim is very good.

(Video) Vim Will Actually Change Your Life.
(Luke Smith)

Why is Vim so hard?

Because it comes from this bygone era of software development—when programmers had to develop complicated solutions for computers with limited power and flexibility—Vim is hard. That something as seemingly simple as editing text can be made so complicated is anathema to the way we think about technology today.

(Video) What Vim Is and Why You Should Learn It
(Linux Training Academy)

Is Vim better than an IDE?

Remember, you can develop much faster than them because Vim uses far less memory than their humongous modern IDE. Whether you are on the fence about switching to Vim or are forced to use it due to other factors, you can learn to love it.

(Video) Learning Vim in a Week

Is NeoVim better than Vim?

The plugin architecture of NeoVim is a lot better than Vim. Apart from plugin implementation in Vimscript (VimL), we can also use the Lua programming language. In addition, NeoVim has a lot more powerful plugins, which are not compatible with Vim.

(Video) I am done with vim

Is Emacs better than Vim?

Emacs tends to be relatively straightforward, similar to commonly used text editors like Notepad. On the other hand, Vim is a power-user's tool, using keyboard shortcuts to speed up tasks. Vim is known to have a much steeper learning curve than Emacs.

(Video) Why I don't use VIM...
(Brandon Boswell)

Does Vim make you more productive?

Vim is a text editor that can greatly increase your productivity when you are coding. Typing speed is irrelevant up to a certain level. Your ability to navigate through code is much more important. This is where Vim, along with its keybindings, layout, and setup, can help you speed up the process.

Is Vim still worth learning? (2024)

Is learning Vim hard?

The problem with learning Vim is not that it's hard to do—it's that you have to keep doing it. This guide will break that cycle, ensuring this is the last time you will learn it. There are dozens of Vim references online, but most of them either go ninja straight away, or start basic and don't go much deeper.

How do I become proficient in Vim?

Master Vim - Learn how to go from Vim beginner to expert faster

Why do hackers use Vim?

Use & Exit Vim (The Text Editor Every Hacker Should Be Familiar With ...

Is Vim the best text editor?

Vim is the best text editor/IDE out there. It is the "editor of choice of old-time Unix hackers". Vim is one of the most popular programming editors out there. It's loved by geeks for its speed, extensive feature set, and flexibility.

Why is Vim so powerful?

Vim Uses Less Amount of System Resources

Vim's strengths are its smallness and simplicity, therefore it doesn't consume a considerable amount of system resources as opposed to other text editors especially graphical text editors. It's also normally very fast and lightweight even when editing huge files of source code.

Why people use Vim instead of VSCode?

"Comes by default in most unix systems (remote editing)", "Fast" and "Highly configurable" are the key factors why developers consider Vim; whereas "Powerful multilanguage IDE", "Fast" and "Front-end develop out of the box" are the primary reasons why Visual Studio Code is favored.

What IDE do professional programmers use?

Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code is the most popular IDE with over 50% of developers using the first one under the StackOverflow Developer Survey 2019. These IDEs by Microsoft not surprising as it is designed to support around 15 programming languages.

How old is Vim?

Vim (text editor)
Vim running in a terminal emulator
Original author(s)Bram Moolenaar
Initial release2 November 1991
Stable release9.0 / 28 June 2022
8 more rows

Is Vim used professionally?

No. From my experience looking at the industry, some people use vim, some people use emacs, some people use sublime but a lot of people use eclipse, visual studio, netbeans, and lots of other IDEs.

How do I break out of Vim?

If you're in vi or vim and need to get out—with or without saving your changes—here's how: First, press the Esc key a few times. This will ensure vi is out of Insert mode and in Command mode. Second, type :q! and press Enter.

Is Vim hard to learn Reddit?

It's a complete waste of time for a beginner. It will not make you better at programming. It's just one more thing for an already saturated brain to learn. If you're going to do it, you have to go all-in and it's going to suck a lot for about 2-3 days.

Is VI easy to use?

One thing about using Vi is that there is a learning curve. Many of my classmates from university courses and the workplace remark on how unfriendly Vi is to use. I am not arguing here. It can be difficult, and it is definitely not similar to other text editors.

Is Vim better than sublime?

In our opinion, Sublime text is best for normal text editing, and Vim is best for coding and documentation-related work.


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

Last Updated: 26/01/2024

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.