What are the disadvantages of frequency Polygon? (2024)

What are disadvantages of frequency polygons?

There is one major drawback with this form. All the data is in a clustered form and it is very difficult for the people to see to it that they are going to segregate the data. 3. Graphical Representation: This is found to be one of the best forms of representation of data.

(Video) Other Charts
(Stat Brat)

What are the disadvantages of frequency?

Disadvantages of Frequency Distribution:

A serious limitation inherent in this kind of grouping is that there will be too much clustering of observations in various classes in case the number of classes is too small. This will cause some of the essential information to remain unexposed.

(Video) Advantages and disadvantages of frequency Table V16
(online coaching class)

What is a frequency polygon what are its advantages?

A frequency polygon is an easy way for grouping the data. It is a visual way of presenting the quantitative data and its frequency. A frequency polygon is similar to a histogram that is used to compare data sets or illustrate a cumulative frequency distribution. Quantitative data is represented using a line graph.

(Video) Frequency Polygons: Lesson (Basic Probability and Statistics Concepts)
(CK-12 Foundation)

What are the advantages of frequency polygon over histogram?

Frequency polygons have several advantages over histograms. They are easier to interpret because the polygon shape gives you a quick visual summary of the distribution. In addition, frequency polygons are less likely to be distorted by outliers than histograms.

(Arvin C. Octoman)

What are the disadvantages of histogram?

  • It depends (too much) on the number of bins.
  • It depends (too much) on variable's maximum and minimum.
  • It doesn't allow to detect relevant values.
  • It doesn't allow to discern continuous from discrete variables.
  • It makes it hard to compare distributions.
  • It's hard to make if you don't have all the data in memory.
Jan 24, 2021

(Video) M1127 Section 2.3
(Mrs. Carr (GNTC Math))

What is a frequency polygon?

A frequency polygon is a line graph of class frequency plotted against class midpoint. It can be obtained by joining the midpoints of the tops of the rectangles in the histogram (cf.

(Video) Understand the advantages of a histogram

What are the disadvantages of high frequency?

Question: What are the disadvantages of HF? Answer: They are outlined in the section "What Are the Disadvantages of VHF and HF?" They include short range, signal interference due to weather like rain, and can't travel through objects like walls.

(Video) How to draw histogram and frequency polygon and also find the mean BCA bcs040 June 2018 solved paper
(Sneha Diwedi)

What are the disadvantages of frequency modulation?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Frequency Modulation
Less interference and noise.Equipment cost is higher. Has a large bandwidth.
Power Consumption is less as compared to AM.More complicated receiver and transmitter
1 more row

(Video) Create a Frequency Polygon Chart
(Doug H)

What are the disadvantages of low frequency?

Under encoding conditions in which processing resources are limited, low-frequency words show a larger decrement in recognition than high-frequency words. Also, studying items (pictures and words of varying frequencies) along with low-frequency words reduces performance for those stimuli.

(Data Learner)

What are the advantages and disadvantages of histogram?

A histogram cannot be used to represent discrete frequency distributions. It can only be used to represent continuous frequency distributions. A disadvantage of histogram compared to a boxplot is that a boxplot gives us extra information such as the median, upper quartile and lower quartile of the data.

(Video) Frequency Polygon
(American Public University System)

What are the properties of frequency polygon?

The frequency polygon is a curve that is drawn on the x-axis and the y-axis. The x-axis represents the values in the dataset, while the y-axis shows the number of occurrences of each distinct category. The frequency polygon can serve as an alternative to a histogram.

(Video) Graphs | Different Types | Advantages | Disadvantage
(Statistician Ammara)

Why should you not use a frequency polygon If you have nominal data?

First, as we've said, polygons should not be used with nominal or ordinal data because joining the dots makes the assumption that there is a smooth transition from one datum point to another.

What are the disadvantages of frequency Polygon? (2024)

What are the advantages and disadvantages of histogram?

A histogram cannot be used to represent discrete frequency distributions. It can only be used to represent continuous frequency distributions. A disadvantage of histogram compared to a boxplot is that a boxplot gives us extra information such as the median, upper quartile and lower quartile of the data.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of stem and leaf plots?

The advantage of a stem leaf diagram is it gives a concise representation of data. The advantage of a frequency histogram is, that it is visually strong. Histograms are usually preferable to stem and leaf diagrams in large data sets. The disadvantage of a stem leaf diagram is not visual.

What are the advantages of frequency curve?

It outlines each interval in the frequency distribution and depicts the proportion of data points above or below a particular value. It differentiates rates of change between classes better than other graphs.

What are the properties of frequency polygon?

The frequency polygon is a curve that is drawn on the x-axis and the y-axis. The x-axis represents the values in the dataset, while the y-axis shows the number of occurrences of each distinct category. The frequency polygon can serve as an alternative to a histogram.


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