Where is bazaar in blue beads? (2024)

Where is the bazaar in blue beads?

Though Sibia belonged to a poor family, she knew what finery was. She used to go through the jungle with her parents and brothers to the little town at the railhead where the bazaar was located.

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(Sindhura's view)

What sort of bazaar is described in the blue bead?

The description of Bazaar near Sibia's village

She also heard the bell of a sacred bull . There was a sweet honey stall with brilliant collections of honey . It was surrounded by dust and flies . Their smell was superior to those of the cheap cigarettes and drains .

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Where was the bazaar How did the girl know about it?

Answer:The bazaar was in the town at the railhead. Sibia knew about the bazaar because she had been to the bazaar with her parents and brothers all though the jungle and seen the finary of life there.

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(Duka Duka)

What was the desire of Sibia in the bazaar?

She aimed at the crocodile's eye - drove the hayfork at the eyes - one prong went right in. Crocodile reared up in pain - tail and nose almost meeting as it convulsed - crashed back into the water and vanished.

(Video) The Bead Bazaar
(Michael Eisenberg)

What had she seen and heard while passing through the bazaar?

(ii) What had she seen and heard while passing through the bazaar? Ans. She saw the milling people, and dogs and monkeys full of fleas, the idling gossiping bargaining humanity spitting betel juice. She had heard the bell of a sacred bull clonking as he lumped along through the dust and hubbub.

(Video) The Blue Bead by Norah Burke Explained
(Luna Banerjee)

What did sibia see in the market?

Sibia, her mother and the other women are seen going to the cliffs to get paper grass to be sold in the market. The Gujar nomadic graziers have also set up their encampment of grass huts near the river.

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(Gemporium co)

What is the setting of the story the blue bead?

The setting of the story 'The Blue Bead' takes place somewhere in India where deep in a wild forest lies a great Indian river.

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Who accompanied sibia to the bazaar?

Who accompanied her ? Answer: One day Sibia was going to get the paper grass from the cliffs above the river. Her mother and other women accompanied her.

(Video) The Blue Bead || Norah Burke || ICSE Treasure Trove || ICSE Story || ICSE Learning || English Story

Why are the gujars called Junglis?

(v) Why were the Gujars called Junglis ? Answer: They were called junglis because they were born and bred in the forest. For centuries they had been getting their living from animals and from grass trees. They scratched their food together and stored their substance in large herds and silver jewellery.

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Where did the crocodile come from in the blue bead?

(i) The crocodile hatched from an egg, probably a hundred years ago, in a sandbank. The crocodile was very active because as soon as he managed to get his head out of his shell he was looking around ready to snap at anything even before he was fully hatched.

(Video) Explanation of the short story The Blue Beads

What is the meaning of blue bead?

Conclusion of The Blue Bead

The story conveys a very powerful message that if a person has a strong determination to attain something and also has the patience to wait for the same and work for it then you will receive it. Also, it shows the life of rural people who find happiness in the little things.

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What is the theme of the story the blue bead?

Theme of the Story The Blue Bead. The story shows the theme of great will power and determination. Those who have great will power and are determined to do something, always find the way. The man of great will power does not give importance to the circ*mstances.

Where is bazaar in blue beads? (2024)

What is the nature of sibia?

Sibia is a bold girl. She does not hesitate to do any adventurous act. When she sees the Gujar woman being attacked by a crocodile, she, from boulder to boulder comes leaping like a rock-goat. She heroically comes on wings beside the shrieking woman to save her.

Why did the big Mugger not move?

Answer: Noise frightens crocodiles. The big mugger did not move, and all the women crossed in safety to the other bank. Here they had to climb a steep hillside to get at the grass, but all fell to with a will, and sliced away at it wherever there was foothold to be had.

Who are Gujjars blue beads?

They carried brass utensils to carry water from the stream and the women attacked by the crocodile was also doing the same and her brass guharras were flown in the huge current of water and at last Sibia saved her life and helped her to reach her camp. They are generally merchants who move from place to place.

What did you see while walking to the bazaar?

Usha saw wildflowers, a wild plum tree, lizards, and a whistling-thrush while walking to the bazaar.

Was there any significance in Sibia's life of the things sold in the bazaar What was she marked for from her birth?

Ans. The significance in Sibia's life of the things that they collect and sell in the bazaar is that it shows the hard way of living their lives. Her family works very hard day today to make a living. Sibia was marked for work from the time she was born.

Who encountered the crocodile later in the story?

1 Answer. This answer was edited. Sibia encountered the crocodile later in the story.

What does frill of gold shallows refer to?

Answer: It means Out of black water of river that curved with quick rotating mass of water in river into the strip of gold shallows by stepping stones.

What are mugger crocodiles three characteristics?

The mugger crocodile is considered a medium-sized crocodilian, but has the broadest snout among living crocodiles. It has a powerful tail and webbed feet. Its visual, hearing and smelling senses are acute.

What did the big crocodile feed on?

The big crocodile mostly fed on fish, but also on deer and monkeys. These animals came to the river to drink water.

What happened with the Gujar woman?

1 Answer. This answer was edited. When the Gujar woman was within a mile of the crocodile, the crocodile jumped at her and grabbed her leg with his jaws, making the woman slip and fall on the bone-breaking stone.

Where and what kind of finery had poor sibia seen?

Answer. She has seen glass beads in the bazaar to know about finery. They are no finery; but to Sibia , they are as she is very poor.

How was Sibia's life different from the Gujar woman?

She is the specimen of intractable will power, in sharp contrast to the Gujar woman. Sibia was a brave, courageous and adventurous girl but the Gujjars were not. This is only the difference.

What is a mugger crocodile in the blue bead?

The creature in the story Blue Bead story by Norah Burke is a crocodile. It is a mugger crocodile. It is blackish brown above and yellowy white under and has a thick hide. He was twice the length of a tall man.


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

Last Updated: 24/03/2024

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