Why is MetaMask saying insufficient funds when I have enough? (2024)

Why is MetaMask saying insufficient funds when I have enough?

You may not have enough funds in ETH or native currency to pay the gas fees associated with the network implementing the transaction. Or could be using another blockchain and you may not have enough native token to pay for the gas fees.


Why does it say insufficient funds when I have money on MetaMask?

This means you do not have enough of your network's native token in your account to cover the cost of gas. Generally, across EVM-compatible networks, each transaction (including token and contract transactions) requires gas. You can think of this as a transaction fee.

(Video) Running Out of Gas on Ethereum - Uniswap and MetaMask
(Nathan - Let's talk bitcoin)

Why does my crypto say insufficient balance?

This error means that the funds available in your wallet are lower than the recommended bitcoin miner fee level for getting a transaction added to the Bitcoin blockchain ("confirmed"). You still have access to your money, but it is not possible with your current settings to send the funds to another bitcoin address.

(Video) ❌ How To Cancel Metamask Transaction Insufficient Funds ❌
(Tech Express)

Why is my MetaMask purchase not working?

Based on the reports, failed transactions on MetaMask usually occur when you directly purchase on a web3 site without connecting your wallet first. To avoid this issue, we recommend connecting your MetaMask wallet first before buying anything.

(Video) New Metamask Gas Guide - How to properly input gas, speed up, and cancel transactions!

How long does it take for funds to clear in MetaMask?

It should take about 7-8 minutes to deposit your funds. You will be prompted to sign and approve the transaction in your MetaMask wallet which is where the gas fee will also be quoted, and you will see a progress tab bar indicating when your transfer is complete.

(Video) Metamask Gas Fee Settings: Advanced Settings in 2022
(The Social Guide)

How do I fix insufficient funds?

Banks offer several overdraft protection programs that will cover your payment if funds are low.
  1. Overdraft Protection.
  2. Ask the Bank to Waive the Fee.
  3. Overdraft Line of Credit.
  4. Link Your Checking and Savings Accounts.
  5. Set Up Alerts With Your Bank.
  6. Keep Track of Your Balance.

(Video) Metamask Tutorial: How to Avoid Gas Fees on Metamask Wallet ⛽
(Crypto Mining)

Is Transak safe on MetaMask?

Trusted by the best in blockchain

Metamask uses Transak as the primary fiat on ramp into both the mobile app and the browser extension. We love using Transak because it is reliable, with a high geographic coverage, and they are attentive and supportive to our needs.

(Video) What does it mean when you have insufficient funds?
(Ask About EVENTS)

Why do I have insufficient balance?

Insufficient funds happens when there is either the availability of funds below the required funds to offset a payment, or where a given account has no funds in it, and as such cannot offset any payment. Summarily, it occurs where there is a lack of funds in a given account to offset any payment demand.

(Video) How to FIX a Stuck Transaction on Metamask (2021)
(Hector - CryptoComix)

What does insufficient liquidity mean on Metamask?

So, in other words, if a coin doesn't have enough liquidity, users won't have the ability to acquire or trade it. This will be a clear obstacle for your transactions in the near future, causing the “Insufficient Liquidity for this trade” error message to appear in different decentralized platforms.

(Video) Fix Pending Transaction Metamask 2022 - Resolve Stuck Transaction On MetaMask Wallet
(Johnny Time)

What does insufficient ETH balance mean?

If you are getting the error that looks like this: “Not enough ETH to send”, it means you do not have enough ETH in your account to cover the cost of gas. Each transaction (including token and contract transactions) requires gas, and that gas is paid in ETH. You can think of this like a transaction fee.

(Video) Swap BNB to Bnb smart chain, but it says insufficient funds here's what to do

What card is accepted by MetaMask?

In addition to debit card support, MetaMask Mobile now has Visa and MasterCard credit card (Apple Pay). There are still third-party payment processors involved – Wyre and Transak – which are crypto-friendly payment gateways.

(Video) How to Resolve and Fix Pending or Stuck Transactions in Metamask Ethereum
(Ross Stephenson)

How do I cancel a MetaMask transaction insufficient funds?

How to Fix “Metamask Insufficient Funds” Error?
  1. Step 1: Log in to your MetaMask Wallet Account. ...
  2. Step 2: In the Home Screen, Click on 'Buy' ...
  3. Step 3: Select 'Buy ETH with TRANSAK' ...
  4. Step 4: Enter the Amount in your fiat Currency that you want to Convert to ETH. ...
  5. Step 5: Click on 'Buy Now' ...
  6. Step 6: Click on 'Buy ETH'
Mar 14, 2022

Why is MetaMask saying insufficient funds when I have enough? (2024)

How do I fix MetaMask error?

Reset Account Method
  1. Navigate to the settings menu by clicking the colorful circle icon on the top-right and click Settings from the dropdown menu.
  2. In the Settings menu, select Advanced.
  3. Click “Reset Account” - This will clear all pending transactions from Metamask without logging you out or changing any balances…

What is gas limit on MetaMask?

In the Gas Limit field, enter 500,000 units. This is just the maximum Gas you're willing to pay and helps to ensure your transaction goes through.

What happens if you reset MetaMask?

A wallet reset essentially returns your MetaMask Extension or Mobile app back to the state it was in when you downloaded it: it clears your Secret Recovery Phrase and your accounts from the software. After you execute a reset, you'll need to re-enter your Secret Recovery Phrase to get access to your wallet again.

How do you unclog a MetaMask?

Go to your transaction queue on MetaMask, click speed up, provide a higher gas price, then resubmit. This allows your transaction to get broadcasted again, with the same nonce (nonce is the fancy term for your transaction ID) and the new higher gas price that you have set.

Is it cheaper to buy ETH on MetaMask?

Purchasing ETH directly from Metamask is quite costly

To reduce the fees, it would be best to purchase ETH on an exchange, before sending it to Metamask via the ERC20 network.

Why is MetaMask unsafe?

The wallet is online, so it's more at risk than hardware wallets or offline “cold” wallets. Like any “hot” wallet, assets stored on Metamask can be compromised via security vulnerabilities on your device or internet connection.

Should you buy ETH directly from MetaMask?

Buying ETH directly inside MetaMask is the quickest way (instant transfer) to get your ETH into the MetaMask wallet. The delivery time of both the Wyre and Transak is fast. Buying ETH inside MetaMask saves your time; you don't need to buy somewhere else and transfer it to the wallet.

Why does it say insufficient funds when I have money Apple?

Question: Q: Insufficient balance

Answer: A: Answer: A: It may mean you don't have enough Apple ID balance to pay for something and you don't have a payment method set as a backup.

Why is my credit card saying insufficient funds when I have money?

Insufficient funds

If the customer has tried making the payment with a credit card, it simply means that he has hit the credit limit, and his issuing bank won't allow the purchase to go through. As a merchant, there is very little that you can do if the customer does not have sufficient funds in his bank account.

What happens with insufficient funds?

Banks typically have options and safeguards in place in case your account balance falls below zero. Many banks offer overdraft protection. That way, if you do have insufficient funds, the transaction will still go through. However, you will still be responsible for paying an overdraft fee.

What happens if a coin has no liquidity?

Liquidity is important for all tradable assets including cryptocurrencies. Low liquidity levels mean that market volatility is present, causing spikes in cryptocurrency prices. High liquidity, on the other hand, means there is a stable market, with few fluctuations in price.

What is liquidity slippage?

Slippage occurs when an order is executed at a price greater or lower than the quoted price, usually happening in the periods when the market is highly volatile, or market liquidity is low. The exposure to slippage risk can be minimized by trading during hours of highest market activity and in low volatility markets.

How do I contact MetaMask?

Either get in touch with Support via the “Start a Conversation” button on the Support page, or submit a bug report on the MetaMask Github.


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